Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley

Bedtime reading

My blip today is of the book I am currently reading by one of my favourite authors Cecelia Adhern called The time of my Life.
I first read one of her books in Cuba last year and it was called 'Where the rainbow ends' it was left in the book stand in the hotel and caught my eye. I felt like it was ironic as I was a little lost at the time, although deep down I guess I still am. Anyway she then wrote another called 'The Year I Met You', and after reading that I knew I'd love all her books. So of course I bought some more, and this is my next.
I wouldn't say I am a big reader but when I don't feel like watching tv this is my hobby.
Today was also a big day for my Mum as it was her last day in her office before moving just down the road to a new building.
Although it is a massive change in Ipsos as that office has been there for 25years and will probably be knocked down and changed to flats.
Exciting too because she will have a new place to work and people too. She also bought home some freebies as they are getting rid of everything. A good office chair and some art work.

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