Scattered Polaroids

By sp

Another busy day. Studio's come on a lot since yesterday though!

It started well. Up early and to uni. Found a plinth the right size and G helped me carry it downstairs and into my space. The next job was to find a plug. There was a hole in the board through to the wall (and plug) behind it, which had been filled in with a small bit of wood during the painting stage. After flipping ages trying to get it out, we discovered there wasn't actually a plug there. It was about 30cm to the left, just out of reach. Even my freakishly long arms and weirdly tiny wrists didn't help.

In the end we made the hole bigger, just enough to wiggle my arm in. Then I had to file and peel and sand and paint. And then those things again, on my plinth. After about 6 hours I finally got my TVs in their place and playing. And my tutors seemed to like it! YAY.

Cocktails this evening, and puddings too.
Me, G and Pose left early. We were almost home when we remembered we hadn't paid. Ooooops.

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