MonoMonday: Fire

Four Candles

Well ... there were times when I didn't think I'd make it to my fourth Blip Year. Even the site itself threatened to leave me stranded, but so far so good. Now to see if I can struggle to 1500 blips in 40 posting's time.

The anticipated loss of Blipfoto really brought certain things home. If you are like me, you joined Blipfoto to be able to publish a photo and perhaps a little text everyday. I started this thing to grow my creative imaging skills if I could. I thought it would be about the photography. But I didn't reckon on the comradeship. Heck, I didn't take account of the genuine friendships that would arise from it. When the chips were down, that was why I stayed.

Aaaanyway, on a lighter note it is impossible for me to utter the words "four candles" without being reminded of a couple of Ronnies. My sincere thanks to notowennewitt for once again hosting the MonoMonday challenge.

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