Tarawera Times

By Megl

Mono Monday - Fire

Well these matches are ideal for lighting the fire....but the box is just too nice to be used so sits as a decorative piece. They were a gift from sightsinging and have always loved the design on the box.

It has been a real blustery wet day, actually a holiday, the first time that Anzac Day which fell on the weekend, has been Mondayised....but not the best weather to be out and about doing other things. Our fire has been going all day...not that it is that cold, but makes everything feel cheery.

The back has improved quite a bit, should be fighting fit for the Photographic Society of NZ's annual Conference which starts on Wednesday. Really looking forward to it, some top notch speakers including Julianne Kost, the Adobe Master form the US...she is making some key note presentations along with a workshop...will be overflowing with ideas!

The mono Monday challenges this month have been beauty, certainly got me thinking...thanks to notowennewitt for hosting and coming up with such creative topics.

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