The Ferg

By fergie

Holiday Weekend

Not a happy bunny , I am not exactly enamoured by the whole jubilee event . The Queen is charming and works hard so we should celebrate , well I know loads of older women who are charming and work much harder for no reward but we don't celebrate their lives. This is a diversion , its unashamed patriotism (last refuge) and sheer escapism, our obsession with royalty is a mark that we are not growing, maturing as a Nation, this event is flaunting that immaturity We live in a very divided society and the Royals (some of whom I have met and find to be really OK people) are an outdated symbol of that divide. The institution is outdated and when put up to the magnifying glass of rationality makes no sense at all. My apologies for the rant but if I see another Union Jack cup cake or see another summer fair advertised as a Jubilee tea I will scream. The picture sort of captures my mood at the moment. Have a great weekend even if you are attending some Jubilee event (I will probably go camera in had to record this nonsense)

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