Since I have no other photos today (apart from a blurry flower I wanted to ask you to identify since I've lost the packet the bulbs came in - but it's too blurry by far) I will treat you to a corner of the jungle that we call "the garden". Here you can see "the grassy knoll" (currently a pile of rubble - you have to use your imagination a bit), and behind it "the shed" (currently a slab of concrete with on it all the stuff that Mr B hopes will go in the shed. Given that I was under the distinct impression that it was going to be my potting shed, rather than his building materials shed, we have changed our shed sizing plans somewhat. Obviously some imagination required here too.)
Behind all that is the big tree (Douglas fir?) which has been half eaten by mean caterpillars, and to the far left you can see some of the fence for my veg garden. The enormous mass of greenery behind the 'shed' and 'grassy knoll' is mostly brambles. I try not to think about the day when I will have to tackle that bit of the 'garden' too much. (Well, a bit of wilderness is good for wildlife...)
Tiring day. In retrospect, deciding to watch all the remaining episodes of a BBC show before they expired from iPlayer last night was not smart. We were up before the sparrows this morning to take Mr B to the airport. At least it was light by the time I got back. That does make the whole thing more bearable. The kids went off to school, I provided scaffolding and ladders to the hedge trimming man (who worked all morning despite the pouring rain) and then I retired to the sofa to 'read', by which of course I mean snooze with a book on my head.
In the afternoon came the exciting news that the car broken by Toulouse the other day is fixable for an amount of money deemed acceptable by Mr B (and me) so I will soon once again have a car I can fit all the children in that I have to ferry to and from school.
Lots of catch up chat with the basketball parents this evening, and home for a pasta-fridge dinner (chop all the leftovers in the fridge small, fry them, and serve with pasta) that was - as ever - very popular with my audience. Bed now. I think I'm babbling.
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