Like A Smile in A whisper does.....

In domestic science my squares were trapeziums; my cuddly "fish" resembled a shark; my rag doll was something that R L Stein could have incorporated into one of his stories. 

Mostly everything I create has that "Helen Mark" about it.  My mum's top which unravelled in the middle of a restaurant, and the scarves with the knotts in the middle, my dad's hats, which are barely big enough to cover his head, my hats which are big enough to cover my head and someone elses, and my pal's hat, which slipped down over her head and became a very fashionable cowel. 

And now these.  Scary Bears. :-)

There's a rash of them.   

But every one of them is made with love, and a smile thrown in for free.

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