
By TBay

Time for tea!!

My sundial is really surprisingly accurate as is Lulas tummy ! It was in deed time for tea! Pip is much better and now on antibiotics and painkillers. She was delighted to see me and threw herself on me when we opened the door!

We returned home just about lunch time from the AGM .A great last night getting to bed at 2:40 am this morning! Mr TBay had a fab time listening to the live band RPJ, the lead singer being the son of Rick Parfitt of the great Status Quo, and the name stands for Rick Parfitt Junior ! After a terrific performance the band retired to the VIP bar where Mr TBay and I were, and we were able to talk to them for some time. They were so interesting and had really enjoyed their evening playing for the Young Farmers. I think they may book them for our AGM at Blackpool next year. Mr TBay would be a very happy boy if they do!

Farming - two on compost hauling, Rusty on ploughing. Mr TBay Jnr very happy as he secured a new customer to day with about 450 acres of silage to do! Result!

I spent my day catching up on office matters and wasting time with Little Miss ! Just forgot, I haven't unpacked yet! Grrr, the bit about holidays I don't like so much!

Normal service resumes tomorrow blippers and I should have just about caught up with my comments!

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