St Anthony's Lighthouse

A lovely morning - coffee with Clare who I have not seen since forever because she keeps working 15 x 13 hour shifts a week...

A stroll to Lidl along the riverfront to get beach chairs and chocolate spread. Essentials. MrRoly picked me up and we popped to the Green Bank Hotail for another coffee.

Reheated Indian takeway for lunch and then a VERY productive afternoon of paperwork - VAT returns and Payroll done and dusted, along with my postal vote - head overruled heart, a very difficult decision based upon Lord Ashcroft's polls in September!

Ally had swimming, Bella wanted to come and I had to collect Lily from Malcolm's. As the sun was shining, I frogmarched the girls round the Point. Lily is learning about Lighthouses this term so we will put this photo towards one of her ridiculous homework challenges...

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