Guernsey Girl

By Katie_Bisson

Le sportif

Today's Word: awestruck

Awestruck is quite a dramatic word for shocked or amazed, but its all I have for today. Had some exam results bad already, and I'm very pleasantly surprised with quite a few of them!

Today was my school's 'Sports Day'. It was really good fun, I love big whole school events like this. The atmosphere is great, and its a great reason to take my camera into school and also its obviously a good photo opportunity.
I took 350 photographs today, just at sports day. Lots of people jumping, running, all sorts, but for some reason I chose this one. I have no idea why, but something about it just makes me smile!
What with the colours, and the descending heights, and the coincidently walking in a straight line and taking the same step at the same time.. Haha

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