
By Angelique


Well it just had to be a blip of Phoebe today who went to the grooming parlour.  I suppose I should have done a before and after as she really looked a right mess after playing with Harry and Archie, her boyfriends in a horse field yesterday.  Her fur on her legs looked like she was a "Rastafarian".

Not an easy day, didn't go to work as I expected to attend a meeting about Adrian.  So duly dressed etc. then got a call to say it was tomorrow instead!!  Well I cant take another day off so I cant be there.  So used the time by finishing the soldering of Matthew's hot air balloon.  Will probably show you tomorrow.

Afternoon went to the  quacks, waste of time as he just told me to monitor the situation.  Right!!

Thankyou my faithful blip friends for kind words from necessary.  Now time to 'turn in'.  Sleep well and hopefully we might get the good news regarding the house sale tomorrow, please......!!! XXXX

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