Wendy's Photos

By wcfujita

Raised Up

Over the winter we built raised beds for our garden. I saw a picture of a friends garden and loved the clean design. I showed my husband the picture and said "this is what I want." He was not on board for this project at all. With gentle persuasion I was able to win him over to my side, lol!! I believe the wording was "well since you don't really like to weed the garden and I usually end up taking care of it I really want this." Funny, he changed his mind :) He built amazing boxes that are super sturdy and should last a lifetime (my lifetime anyway). I love the raised beds and the clean isles. The garden is so much easier to maintain now and I tell hubby all the time "I love my garden." He just laughs and says "I'm glad, I would hate for you not to."

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