Aptly named...

Back home and back to more every day, run of the mill shots. This was taken on our evening walk along the road from us. I've never noticed the planting before but it certainly lives up to its name in spring.

Not a completely usual Monday although I did go swimming first thing. Most of the middle of the day was taken up with lunch. Whilst here is a term "ladies who lunch" I don't think there is a similar term for us men. John and I go back a long time, we went to secondary school together back in the mid 1960s. He and his wife moved to Kent when we did so we've known each other for getting on for 50 years. We've met more irregularly in recent years but have taken to having lunch together to talk over old times, people, what we've been up, commiserate about the lamentable state of education and give thanks that we're no longer involved in teaching.

It was good to catch up and we're looking forward to the next lunch. It's a week of old friends as on Wednesday Adrian and his wife are coming for tea. Adrian and I go back even further as we went to primary school together and our mothers were friends in their childhood - having grown up on the same street. I recently made contact with Adrian after a gap of many years. It's great to re-establish contact after so long a gap.

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