Back to Reality
How I am missing New Zealand. Sigh. Nobbys is not a patch on it. Interesting times at work today proving the old adage that you should never go away on holidays.
Thanks so much for coming on the blipmeet with me and all the lovely feedback. I do hope to thank people individually but it is somewhat more difficult keeping track on things in the new blip so a collective huge thanks for now.
Now Wanaka Blipmeeters. I have set up a Flickr group here. Wombat and I were talking today about having a site where people could upload their photos of the blipmeet and region and not restrict it to the extras on blip and it would be a place where we could see everyone's photos together. It is open to the public so if you are flickr member, all you have to do is join the group and add your photos. If you are not a flickr member, it is free to join up and you can then join the group etc.
The very good news is that it looks like our Vivid blipmeet is growing too.
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