
I am trying to minimize weight. (Preparing for a trip to Europe and knowing I will have to schlepp my stuff by myself with my pretty limited physical abilities requires logistics) so this morning I tested the photographic equipment: IPad. Will be taken anyway for reading and other stuff. Or maybe not...Photos way too grainy. IPhone: not too bad but too little possibilities for adjustment. But I need a phone. The old Nikon P90? :no possibility for anything else than autofocus, so a no. Canon Powershot? Maybe, because it is tiny and light. Good for company. Clear winner of the row of test shots taken this morning? The Canon Rebel T5. So I will have to accept the extra 400 grams , leave the zoom lens, wide angle and macro at home. And again, promise myself, never to shoot without wearing my glasses :-)
Uh oh, uploaded and noticed that I have a pretty bad spot on my sensor. So, off to the photo store today!

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