A Suffolk Eye

By CroPage

Old Favourite

.." It was thought the fairy, who was asked to be his godmother, would at least have presented him with an invisible jacket, a flying horse, a Fortunatus's purse, or some other valuable token of her favour; but instead, Blackstick went up to the cradle of the child Giglio, when everybody was admiring him and complimenting his royal papa and mamma, and said, 'My poor child, the best thing I can send you is a little MISFORTUNE.. "

And so start the misadventures of Prince Giglio and the equally ill-starred Princess Rosalba who was also lucky  enough to have this clear-eyed Fairy Godmother. 

Lucky, because, unlike their apparently more fortunate cousins, the Angelica and Bulbo, their misfortune encourages them to develop  talents, strength of character and moral fibre.

The Rose and the Ring was a favourite of mine from a child, and I bought this lovely though battered version with its Ardizzone cover online, for a tenner.  Every house needs a copy. 

As I now have three, I'm happy to give one away - the pretentious Folio edition that forgot to put in most of Thackeray's lovely quirky illustrations. Faugh!

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