Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Spring Migrant...

It is amazing to me that insects can migrate - something so tiny with virtually no brain to speak of ...and yet they manage to get from one place to another in time to start the life cycle over again.  Of course, not much can compare to the dramatic migration of Monarch butterflies in N. American...but even this small Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) is impressive in its own way.  This one has arrived here from someplace further south, probably having emerged in the March brood. I actually saw several of them today, busy nectaring on our cherry trees.  It is a bit tattered and worn looking, but its enthusiasm for nectar wasn't diminished.  Soon, it's like will be over, but not before it breeds the next generation of Red Admiral.

I picked this particular shot because I like that you can see it's proboscis curled up in its mouth.  I've posted a shot showing the whole butterfly, along with a couple of other shots from today, starting HERE on Flickr

I missed my walk with the group this morning because I got stuck in some kind of ridiculous traffic jam...not expected on a country road!  Anyway, after sitting for 20 minutes, I realized I wasn't going to make it to the meeting location in time to catch up with everyone, so I turned around and headed towards home.  Made a stop at my favorite State Park near the house which is where I took the shot of the flying blackbird (on Flickr).  

Updating the Cat Saga...Charlie "escaped" the screen arrangement last night, so we kept Phoebe in our room and let Charlie roam and explore the house.  He is now back under his bed, resting up.  Phoebe and he saw each other briefly this morning with only a minimal amount of hissing.  Progress!  Currently Phoebe is sleeping in the kitchen while Charlie is upstairs - all barriers are down and I am waiting to see what happens when Charlie eventually stops napping and comes downstairs.    Stay tuned...



Used the D90 with the Nikkor 105 macro lens for this shot.  

Seasonal Notes:  Second sighting tonight of a hummer visiting the feeder on the deck - hubs and I were standing at the back door when he flew up.  Something tells me this is our resident summer male...

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