Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


We found a way to keep Nell entertained for a few minutes - Toby and Eva's bubble machine! 

Agility this morning. Nell was amazing when she was focused but also naughty as she caught the scent of something at the corner of the ring, ducked under the fence and charged about with her nose to the ground for 10 mins totally deaf to me! The field is enclosed so we didn't need to worry too much but of course I do as I just don't know how you can train out that scenting instinct. But in the ring she has come on leaps and bounds. I can now shout 'through' to her and she goes through the tunnels and 'over' and she goes over the little jumps. The problem is trying to position yourself properly on the course so you don't have to run all the way round with her as I haven't got a chance at that!! 

We dropped her at home and then headed out to the garden centre to get an arch. Mike and a few neighbours managed to move the playhouse yesterday so the plan is to put an archway next to it (which will hopefully one day be covered in rambling pink roses) with a gate leading through to the chooks bit of the garden and Mr EG's little man cave. All the slightly smelly things being banished to the bottom of the garden!

This arvo I had booked my long overdue Thai massage which was a bday pressie in 2014 from A&K and due to expire any day. I've had a Thai massage before in Thailand on the beach so I knew it wasn't going to be one of those gentle feathery ones which I don't really like anyway (not from a stranger!) but the lady said they also tried to make it relaxing. And bits of it were but apparently I am one sided and have a lot of knots in my shoulders and calf muscles, particularly on my right side, which I suppose goes with holding big strong dogs on the lead. I've got to drop my shoulder and let my arm muscles do the work. I ache like hell! Hopefully in a few days I will feel amazing?! 

This evening I met up with Emma to meet a new customer with an absolutely gorgeous Viszla. She was really lovely and chatty and we ended up being there for an hour and a half! I couldn't believe it when I came out and saw the time and still had to go and see Lime and feed a cat! The kids were asleep when I got back and the dogs were pacing impatiently waiting for their walks. 

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