Bad bad day

for me. I don't want to bore you with the details. I know every day can't excellent, so I just hope tomorrow will be better.

I'm so sick of cleaning and sorting. I think I need a break from all that for few days. But there's still some visual stuff that needs to be cleaned before the house photo shoot on Saturday so no rest before that.

There's huge amounts of little stuff to sell, so we decided to keep the flea market table for a fourth week. It's not a big income, but the stuff that is sold will get usage on them for sure. Today my husband dropped off a big box of cd's for 1€ or 50 cents each and I can see online that 1€ purchases are coming in... But what a huge job it is to find new homes for our stuff. I wonder how much unnecessary stuff we have in the first world countries. What a big waste. 

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