
By brisbackpackers

Cam's Aussie birthday

Today was Cams 27th birthday at home so after a 2 hour trek in 35 plus degrees around the island we discovered there was nothing else to do but lay by the "split" swimming, drinking and baking listening to music! After several buckets of beers and a lack of food we found Fran - a large island Mumma who runs a grill! Smoked chicken, garlic bread, mashed Potato and 2 run punches plus choc cake for $10 Aussie! The night ended with more rum back at the hostel - much to say Cam celebrated in style! ( and it just so happens Cam and I are sleeping in a private attic on the 4th floor of this hostel that overlooks the ocean, and he somehow managed to make it up the several flights of stairs unharmed )

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