Squirrel chops

I pass this squirrel and his pal every morning. I have stopped several times but they have scurried away before I have even got my camera out. I was prepared this morning! 

We used to get a lot of squirrels in the garden but there has been a bit of a squirrel cull. A neighbour has a relative that is into taxidermy  and another neighbour catches squirrels for them. Last year they caught 28, this year its 2. I have to say the bird population in our garden has increased as a result

We had our quilt group at school today. The membership has gone from 5 to 10 - word got around about the free biscuits. We have a couple of very able sewers - one being a boy. Also have probably one of the kids that is the hardest work you can imagine.  It will be interesting!

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