Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

The Nile, Cairo

Who'd have thought it - 5 years of blipping!  It seems appropriate that Cairo is featured today as I've been coming back and forward here now for almost 4 years and I'm very happy that one of the Nile marks this landmark blip.

Despite the ups and down in Blip, I still enjoy and value the community and  it's the people that makes it what it is.   A huge thanks to everyone for the friendship, support and encouragement on this 5 year journey, especially those blippers who pop in to say hello regularly and, of course, my partner in crime, Bb.  

I'd hoped to get out of school in the daylight to get today's shot, but very sadly and suddenly one of our trainees lost his brother last night and so he has to return to Kenya for the funeral just for the weekend.  It puts everything into perspective.  He wants to continue the course and so it meant a rejig of some logistical stuff to give him a little bit of breathing space.  The other trainees rallied round and were flexible and supportive.   I did manage to dust off my 'big' camera though to use for today's shot.

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