Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Freedom from Frames

Time to Blip Justin again today ..
Over the past few weeks he has been tested for and tried out contact lenses (soft monthly ones )
He was very keen at first and then found it tricky when it came to actually handling them himself ,but he is only 11.
However I am soo proud of him as he has persevered and taken all the advice given and today was a check up after he had been wearing them for a few days .You can now see his lovely big eyes and long eyelashes after being hidden for a few years .
I wear lenses too so can really understand his joy at the freedom from frames especially in the summer when it gets hot and sweaty .plus the joy of going out in the rain and getting the rain on your face !And the choice of sunglasses.....
Sadly now I am at the stage of multifocal lenses which mean I can actually read ok without the hassle of reading glasses -lol!

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