Journey Through Time

By Sue


I walked around the block just a bit ago, in the early evening sunlight, and I was greeted....sort these two.  I've never seen them before.  One is a big cat and the other is smaller, and I have no idea if they are related to one another or not, but they were together and were probably house mates.  Anyway, as cats are notorious for uncooperative behavior,* they weren't doing what I wanted in the way of posing for me.  The big one rolled around on the sidewalk when I got close to it, and the little one walked away.  So, this is the best with the two of them.  The little one has very pretty blue eyes, and she has the slinky body of a Siamese, so that's probably somewhere in her mix.  Both had unusual and interesting markings.  *Have you seen that ad on TV where the guy is stuck in quick sand and is sinking and he is telling the cat, "Go get help!, Go on, get help!"  And the cat is just looking at him, sitting there...ignoring the sinking man.  Hilarious.

I took my aunt grocery and errand shopping today.  We got some things done, and that was nice. We had a lunch late, so I'm not hungry for dinner.  Bill is munching on left over meat loaf and watching basketball. 

Oh, I did have fun with genealogy again.  I found out some fun stuff for Molly, the lady we had lunch with on Sunday.  Turns out she is distantly related to my stepmom.  Once I saw Blanchard from Ipswich, I thought, AHA!  Two brothers, Joseph and Thomas came to the New World very early on...1600's....and Molly descends from one brother and my stepmom, the other.  So they are like 15th cousins, but, still.  I think it's highly entertaining.   Each to their own.

Hope all is well.

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