Instrument Station

I guess it'd be pretty obvious that I'm into music a lot, considering all I ever seem to talk about is "musicals" this and "shows" that.  So it should be no surprise that I play some instruments, but I never actually thought I'd know how to play so many.  So far (because I plan to learn more in the future), I know how to play piano, drums, ukulele, and guitar.  I don't know if singing would count, because some people count that as an instrument too, but if you do count it, then I guess that makes five.  Five instruments! That's five more than I ever thought I could play!  Now, granted I'm definitely NOT the best at them all; in fact, I'd probably be considered basic at them--but you also have to consider that I've taught myself how to play guitar and uke; I learned how to play piano years ago; and I picked up on drumming from my friend who used to play his drums around me all of the time.  So I guess it might not seem impressive to everybody else, but hey, it seems pretty impressive to myself.

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