Para Recordar

By erinhull


Our first full day in Malawi. We wandered. To the max. I think we started out with directions to some place. But I think our first turn was wrong. Many a market later we made it to this one market with all these people selling wood carvings. They were really pretty. Excellent salesmen. Literally followed Debbie town the street. And yes, in case you were wondering, she did buy the necklace.
This one guy came up to me in the midst of all the sales pitches I was hearing and told me he wanted to talk to me after. So I followed him and asked him what he was selling. He said "nothing, I just want to talk." And then he taught me how to play Bao, this Malawian board game. It's like mancala. But more intense. I won btw. But I asked and he said he let me win. Next time.

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