Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles

Work this morning went well and then I went around to my Mum's house to collect the boys as well as having dinner and a natter! Who says children are always on their games consoles? This is Rowan happily making tons of bubbles in the washing up bowl!

Came home...I had Lewis and Jed in my car and Rowan wanted a lift home with Grandma in her mini!

Something I forgot to mention yesterday: Two of my colleagues came running down from the canteen informing the rest of us that someone had just bought a meal of sausages, eggs, beans, mushrooms, etc., then had taken a bite out of the sausage and discovered an eyelash! Urgghhhhh! I would imagine that it was the eyelash from a cow as they put all kinds of rubbish into sausages (so glad I'm veggie!). Nobody had much sympathy with the person who had discovered the eyelash as I was told everyone in the canteen just kept winking at her!!

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