Crop Circle Soapbox
Ever since seeing the William Gazecki movie Quest For Truth I have been mesmerized and intrigued by what the Circle Makers have been doing, and doing for a very long time. And then I read the Freddy Silva book Secrets In The Fields and was flat out convinced there are many things about the Circles that we can learn. It may be math or 3-D structures, or details to other dimensions and I am sure the answer may come sooner than later.
I view them daily on my wall, as in this previous blip.
I even went so far as to have these circles tattooed on my shoulder!
Well, not really. I was having some shoulder problems and my wife employed her massage and 'cupping' skills. This shows how good the technique works, and they will fade away, just like crop circles.
Hopefully the legitimate research will not fade away and will question the fakers and naysayers.
From the finest online source, here are 83 crop circles from 2014, as seen on Crop Circle Connector. And as most in the U.K. know, you have the bragging rights.
ST03 for Soapbox Thursday
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