
By Valerie1940

Young Blackbird appears

On 24th I blipped that the blackbirds were taking food away, presumably to feed young. Today I spotted this young one in the garden - he was running towards any blackbird that he saw but obviously not his parent, as all ignored him. Eventually 'dad' appeared and proceeded to feed him before going off and returning with 'mum', then one or other parent was in the garden most of the time.(Presumably they are also looking after others in the nest) He did at one point fly up onto the fence and dropped down on the other side - but the parents must have fetched him back as he is now in my garden again. They are obviously not daft - I only have dogs - next door has 2 cats (and they catch things!) - he is much safer here!
I am attaching an extra photo - actually a triptych - showing a feed - look how far down the parent's beak goes in.

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