One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Mrs Raheny

After zillions of shots of the kids, magpies, railways station platforms and grumpy grannies, I thought that it would be nice, thoughtful even, to dedicate a blip to Selene.
She is after all the one who gave life to and looks so well after the next generation of little Rahenies.
She is the one who has to make do with a husband with monosyllabic answers, always an eye riveted to the computer screen, a man who would not have the faintest notion in interior design (well he masters 3 feng-sui concepts: clean, not so clean and "I feel at ease in that mess"), who would not know kiddies' clothes colour coordination if it bit him in the arse, who will find any excuse not to attend a kiddies birthday party (even his own!) and who reckons that taking out the bins once a week is the bulk of the household chores...
This one is for you Chica. Thank you for keeping it real!
Je t'aime.

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