
By BoroLady69

Bloodrooot-Sanguinaria canandensis

Sanquiness canadensis (bloodroot)  "Bloodroot's very early spring flowers emerge tightly clasped within kidney-shaped leaves.  The waxy leaves, with deep lobes and scalloped edges, slowly unfurl to reveal a single flower resembling a tiny water lily....The red-orange juice flowing in stems and roots was once used in herbal medicine and is now an ingredient in plaque-fighting toothpastes.  Source: The Complete Garden Guide, p. 904, Time Life Books."  Despite friends sharing (and me planting) small clumps of the double flowering Bloodroot ('Floro Pleno' aka 'Multiplex' that has double whorls of petals, I've never seen any come back in my garden or wooded area.  I'd love to have a carpet of the double flowering Bloodroot - one of these days I'll succeed!

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