It was This BIG?

We had beautiful day in the city today, just right for a walk. As I am still not feeing 100% so I took the car in to the CBD and walk around the block. Wish I was feeling much better as it was so lovely walking around seeing what has been happening over the past week or so.

I was going to do a postcard from the city, but thought this shot was interesting and should stand on its own. It is of the Christchurch Wizard and his apprentice talking to a man and the little boy is looking on in wonderment, in New Regent Street.

The Wizard (Ian Brackenbury Channell) is the self-described "official Wizard of New Zealand", who has become something of a national icon of New Zealand. For many years he has addressed the crowds in Cathedral Square on his favourite topics, including a crusade to have the world map inverted so that New Zealand would appear in its rightful place – at the top.
For more information on the Wizard.

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