There and back again

By Mikes

The yellow rose of Devon?

I have had a funny sort of day today. Got up early and took Jinxy for his walk thinking that we were off to Dartmoor, but no. It has all been changed to state ABC(All been changed). Today was to be a quiet day and we would go off tomorrow, but not too early. Mrs M has got the female version of man flu and daughter No2 was tired. I have to say she has been working 12 hours days this past week so I'll let her off. I was sent forth to pillage and obtain vittles for the family. So I went to the Coop and purchased food for the family and cooked steak and chips, with a cheeky red, for the evening meal. There seems a consensus that I can be safely left to cook that.

I am now on standby for the orders for tomorrow but in the mean time I wandered into the garden and spied this yellow rose growing near the shed and awarded it with the grand order of "Blipfoto of the Day".

Tomorrow my blip may be from Dartmoor or on the other hand..............

Watch this space

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