A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Long Weekend

Thank you so very much to everyone who celebrated my third anniversary with me yesterday.

Standing on the beach at 7 o'clock in the morning, I was not at all certain that I would capture anything very memorable. But it turned out OK, I suppose. I have to keep reminding myself that my journal is a record of life here on the Costa and not a portfolio of photographic masterpieces. So, although I do try to be creative and improve my style and technique a lot of the time, it is a diary first and foremost.

And today is a case in point. Having just had a haircut, I was on my way to Mum's for preprans and supper at the Korma, when I stopped briefly at El Bombo to snap a scene to mark the beginning of the long weekend.

Over the next three days, these beach beds will be fully occupied, as the weather promises to be hot and sunny and summer has perhaps arrived at last.

For me, it marks the beginning of the exam season. Two of my classes begin exam leave on Monday and their exams begin on Wednesday. For the other years, it all kicks off soon afterwards.

I have done my bit - now it's down to them!

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