38 Milton Court

This is another blip that just found me :)

My granny moved to these flats in 1972. I remember as a wee boy going with her and my dad to see the new house before she moved in. We went on a winter's night and needed torches to see the inside of her new home. Everything was sparkly clean and new - and she was in her element. It was a new adventure for a 68 year old widow and her family!

She spent 21 happy years in her flat. The whole building was designed for elderly folk and what a sense of community they created. She would regularly have friends in and indeed she met many new friends when she lived there. There was a little club where they sang and played bingo and in the summer there was bus runs to Largs. 

And everyone was "respectable." Respectability played a big part in my granny's life. None of the events held or bus runs travelled involved alcohol and everyone of her new friends attended church on a Sunday. My granny to the Catholic church, Mrs Wilson to the Brethren, Mrs Simpson, Mrs and Mr Bell and Miss Mitchell to the kirk and Mrs Mackrell to the Catholic church as well. 

All good people, each making a big mark on my own life.

Days long gone and much missed.

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