
I took this on the road home, the whole side of the road is full of it, what an amazing sight so colourful.. After getting home I hung out loads of washing which all dried and I had a sniff when I got it in mmm I love that smell. Then I did a bit of a tidy up, then sat in the sun room and made a summer floppy hat for Isla!! I have ordered 100 pretty flowered buttons from the tinternet, they cost 99p and free delivery from ..........Hong Kong which will be here next week !!!!!!!! Bloody amazing...... This morning when I awoke my right eye was gunged up and sticky, so I bathed it in slightly salted water and it was fine, but it became sticky again later on, and Mr Lemmy said I can hire you some of the antibiotic cream I have left.....JEEZE Im positive I can hear squeaking when he walks......hahahaha I made myself laugh then...Hope your all having a grand day....

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