'Pretty in the bluebells' or 'Naughty collie'?????

Competition time - What title would you give this BLIP?

Today I have been acting like an irritating brat.  At least that’s what Ann says.

On my morning walk I just dawdled along, sniffing stuff.  Ann said, ‘Molly, please walk properly.  I haven’t got all day.  A snail could walk faster than you.’  Mmmm.........  I think that’s a slight exaggeration.

After I’d had my breakfast, Christian (my very lovely dog sitter) came round to see me Ann.  He’s been in Australia for weeks and tomorrow he’s going to look after me again.  I love Christian.  He takes me on really nice walks and he has a big garden that I can play in.  Anyway, Ann was trying to have a conversation with him and I was acting like a spoilt child.  I was being totally hyper and annoying and eventually Ann said, ‘Molly, if you can’t behave properly for 5 mins while I chat to Christian then you’re not capable of spending a whole day with him and you’ll have to come to the office with me.’  I calmed down a bit after that because going to the office with Ann is a bit boring for an energetic little collie like me.

Then Ann said, ‘Molly, I have to go into town.  Would you like to come with me?’  Well, I never say no to an extra walk so I was at the front door straight away. 

Unfortunately late morning in St Ives is the time when there are loads of posties and buses about.  And I don’t like posties & buses.  It’s less than a 10 min walk into town and in that time I saw 3 posties & 2 buses and every time I went into ‘mad neurotic collie mode’.  ‘Mad neurotic collie mode’ involves me pulling on my lead and doing my most ferocious barking.  And everyone looks at me as if I am a ‘mad neurotic collie’ which I am???

We also met ‘big fat fluffy evil cat’ who sits half way down the hill.  I didn’t even attempt to chase him because I’m scared of him so Ann was pleased with me.  It’s the only time today that I’ve had any praise.

This afternoon Ann said, ‘Molly, I need to go to Truro for bits & bobs (she’s in the middle of a springcleaning/diy-ing/re-decorating mode – not good!!!!!).  You can come with me and then I’ll take you for a walk.’

I had to wait in the car for ages.........................

...........................So when I eventually got my walk I thought I’d have a little roll around on top of the bluebells.  Ann went mad at me again.  She said, ‘Molly, why can’t you just stick to the path?  OK you might as well just stay there now.  Please sit nicely so that I can Blip you.’

......................So what would you call this BLIP??????????????????

Pretty in the bluebells


Naughty collie

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