Simply Me

By Suze981

Exception No. 2

So when I started my diet/healthy eating on 7 April (or rather the 6th when I announced it), I said there'd be two exceptions. This is the second - Sundae School.

Nanisa and I went to Sundae School at Mary's Milk Bar in the Grassmarket in Edinburgh. It was a fab evening, we tried sorbets and ice cream, washed down with a spot of sherry. Mary told us about the history of ice cream, the difference between low and high quality ice cream and has all but ensured I'll never eat a choc ice again. Don't ask, if you like choc ices, I promise you don't want to know.

Mary didn't have any rose ice cream (I hear hers is fantastic) but we did try a wide range. Stilton and grape, salted caramel, orange and poppy seed, chocolate, banana and kiwi sorbet, grapefruit sorbet and also a basic milk ice cream with blackcurrant vinegar (1950s monkey's blood).

Ice cream is one of my favourite things in the whole world. Ask my mum - in practically every childhood photo I either have one in my hand or all over my face.

Tonight was a wonderful treat. This was the last exception - now it's 67 days until the next sweet treat. Is it weird that I love these willpower tests?

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