Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Henry is still coughing away like an old man with a 50-a-day habit. I've listened to his chest and he's not got a chest infection but he sounds awful! He's lost his voice too so is squeaking instead of crying, then wondering what that strange noise is.

We've had a lovely day today - started with bacon sandwiches then back to bed for 1.5hrs while Henry napped, then we went into town. I needed to pick up my contact lens solution but we went for a nice pub lunch as well. Henry was very well behaved and sat quietly in the highchair and chewed on bits of bread - he's teething as well so hard crusts are his favourite at the moment.

We came home and had another nap then had a trip to tesco to buy a ball pool - Neil's dad bought 200 balls to go in the paddling pool but the paddling pool is outside.

Today's blip is Henry dancing before his bath - if we sing certain songs he laughs and wiggles - tonight's was "blame it on the boogie"!

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