After the Storm......

...We went out to check the damage.......we were happy to see that it didn't seem as bad as what it could of been...although I haven't checked the beach yet.
For the last few days we have been experiencing a very very BIG storm and high winds...last night we had to crack out the torches and candles power...good job the show we had been watching just finished...phew!

We heard today that they were getting ready to evacuate our area ..good job they didn't have to 'cause...we wouldn't of known a thing without phones or internet....jeez! paddling to the kitchen to make a cuppa would of been rather ordinary.

Mostly it's lovely living so close to the beach but I have to say when it's night time and one can hardly hear oneself think over the roar of the wind and the waves crashing it feels a bit intimidating and scary.....I have total respect and awe of that Big Blue Wobbly thing called the Pacific.

I have never seen the river this calm and glass like before...the sunset was just awesome.....I was wondering if it was something like the eye of the storm as it felt very quiet and there was a gentle mist across the landscape. As I am writing this the rain is starting up again..maybe I was right .....although I hope not.
I caught this of the little guy down by the river conducting the sun in its journey to bed.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” 
Patrick Rothfuss

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