Head, shoulders knees n TOES

I actually don't like feet. I'm probably not alone in this.

I particularly don't like men's feet. You could get the most gorgeous guy in the world, but if he's wearing flip flops........ Ugh.
I like my guys suited n booted....... or at least with shoes on lol

Reminded of a time I once had a date with a guy, and he asked to see my feet. My initial thought was.........
well I'm too polite to write my initial thought here. But, apparently the second date was dependent on how my feet looked.......

Never saw him again, the weirdo........ .

Anyhow, these are my 43yr old toes, they could look worse I reckon. Although the brightness and blurring obviously help :))

Off out to a surprise 40th fancy dress birthday party tonight. I'm doing the Abby from NCIS thing again and my fella is going as Mr Grey. He was gonna go as Dave from yoursomoneysupermarket but we couldn't find a pair of stilettos in a size 8!

Must find some cable ties........

Hope to god there are no flip flops in sight!! :)

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