
By Mimthing

Grannie time

Note on Grannie time... Here's Grumps with our Grandson, Grandson carrying the pool cue given to Grumps by Grumps's Grandpa Young who Grumps used to play snooker with at Melmerby Snooker Club when he was Jamie's age

Got the boy on his own again.
We now have a routine -possibly written in stone... Both kids, Maddy, Jamie, both kids and on. It's a perfect arrangement.

We met-up with my daughter at 9am in the church, ( to collect Jamie ) she is doing an Art degree course at York and at the moment is working on home thoughts... Garrowby lane and the church floor are two things she has picked from Bishop Wilton, the village where she grew up.

Himself and Jamie walked the dags in the Rush while I did the much needed shopping, couldn't do this yesterday as we needed to have a chat about what we would be doing food wise over the next couple of days...
If you're not a Grannie you may not fully understand that bit.

Village wedding...I got back from Pock just too late to see the bride go into church, made sure I was there to see them coming out ! Beautiful.
If it wasn't a Grannie weekend the bride would have been the blip... Might look into this new thing of bunging more photos on somehow!

We did a brainstorming thing with Jamie as to what we needed to do today., his main thing was that we went to the pub to play pool....RESULT!

He beat me*...He took some damn good shots!

I am now enduring the TV coverage of the tour of -not de- Yorkshire bike thing... They have removed the road furniture and speed humps,. Please tell me that the cyclists have paid for this, and not the residents of York. I am told that many local businesses have lost a lot of money thanks to this event... I will stand correction on this point. Why can't they ride around Cadwell circuit like rally drivers and motor bike riders have to?

*blind eyes and magic moving white balls

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