
By loisbiz

I should have walked down closer to them!

This is not the clearest photo; I was so far away from the Canada Geese parents and their four little babies. I was visiting with friends at their home on the river; they have a long pier and dock for their boat. I could have walked down there and gotten an awesome shot of the babies; but I guess I was too absorbed in our conversation. Anyway, this is all I got and they look like they are adorable balls of fluff. 

I am staying at my daughter's house with her teenagers while mom and dad are in hawaii. I left my camera here while I went home to do something  and, of course, in the short time I was there, I saw two birds on my deck that I had NEVER seen before and two more I haven't seen in a long time. What the heck? Why at that moment and me without a camera?

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