My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Happy Jubilee from me and my Angels


Thought i would get a photo with me and the children today, i kept forgetting i had he remote lead in my hand so had to crop the bottom off, but it still look ok, no many times i get to be in the photo. Think i need a new remote without a lead.

James is unwell once again though full of cold his eyes keep getting sticky bless him and hes sicky with the reflux. Cant believe hes had 3 cold in his first 6 weeks of life. Poot lad. And to top the night Miss olivia fell down the stairs, i just see some one fall then stop where the wall is, shes ok she bumped her head on the wall at the bottom but all ok. Shes a tough cookie bless her. But they do worry you so much.

Hope you all have a wonderful jubilee holiday. Love me and my

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