Sunshine on a rainy day

Makes my soul, makes my soul trip trip away!
It absolutely chucked it down this morning and wasn't very warm either but by early afternoon the temperature climbed to 19 and was warm as the sun put his hat on.

We went to collect some plants from Lisa then to the garden centre to get some others bits we needed and look around the refurbished shop. On the way back we heard the Lancaster as it's war weekend at Metheringham.

Spent a couple of hours in the sun in the garden, sorting out the bunnies, cleaning up etc and then I made dinner. Then we heard the rumbles of thunder and it went dark. I took this blip as out the front of the house it was raining and in the back it was sunny cue at the side a rainbow!

Catching up on my blips as I was over a week of not doing them so need to get my blip mojo back. Thought if I did some back blips that might make me carry on.

Loving that we have one more day off this weekend:)

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