Fancy Claps

By safetyisoff

Sunshine and Clouds and Everything Proud

- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

Slept in today. BF came over and we attempted to go Halloween costume shopping for a friend's halloween party this coming Friday (Halloween). After coming home empty handed (Halloween costumes these days suck! All the women's costumes are sooo skanky! And with names like "Leg Avenue" and for teens "Wicked Innocence" I mostly walked away disgusted at our culture.), I ended up raiding our closet full of seasonal items and dug out old Halloween costumes and found a wayyy better costume there.

So now I have a costume for my friend's party and for Halloween in Athens next weekend :)

All in all, a pretty wasted day looking for nothing :( And the BF is gone all this coming week in Virginia for work :(

** Just updated for the past week :) **

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