Sam all shook up

What a day decided to go to the doctor an d get a check up it went excelly as I thought it would, at least I know the old wind bags and ticker is good :-), I was told that all the pills and what not I got on Saturday are useless as a two bob watch, great.

Stuck the washing on the line bruce had gone fishing over night, he was due back some time, me sitting with feet up watching a movie, then it happend, Sam snoozing out side ran in and almost lept on to my lap this is a dog who is not afraid of fireworks or thunder, even sat near a canon and hardley flinched when it went off,then I heard it sounded like a tank coming through the front door, then the glasses swinging and tingling a merry tune, me hoping like hell that thy didnt break, an earth Quaker 6 on the scale thank goodness it only lasted for a short time, we have a couple of little since, ground settling back down I hope, Bruce just missed it driving home didn't even feel it, snowy droped in shortly after she good and no damage as its the same for us all good now damage, but I have moved all the preserves to ground level along with the bottle of the good stuff, you know what I mean Beckett lol

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