
A long circular walk today encompassing fields of wheat and rape and one particular wood overflowing with bluebells.  The sun wasn't shining at that point so any photographs taken don't show them off at their best and I may have to return.

We were too early for the pub half way round, so carried on with the hope of a swift half at our local.  We crossed through a golf course, taking care not to be a nuisance and eventually spotted our local in the distance, only to find it's closed on Mondays (even a Bank Holiday).  Fortunately there was a Bulmer's cider (other varieties are available) in the fridge so we shared that when we got home.

I spotted two golfers on the top of a hill and thought they might make a good blip for Mono Monday although I gather the topic is May 4th Star Wars. Got it wrong again mum.

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