
Monday 4th May 2015 (982)

An early start for a Bank holiday but for a good reason. Drove to Dufton for a blipmeet, through beautiful countryside. Out of the twelve of us I only knew Paula, it was good to meet some other blippers. After introductions and a cuppa at the cafe the group split and three went to climb High Cup Nick. The rest of us went for a stroll through Dufton Ghyll then along part of the Pennine Way back to the village. The group then split again and went separate ways. After lunch and a chat I headed back home.    

Apologies for the branches in the foreground, my camera was clinging to a tree on its own with a gorillapod so that we could get the whole group in the shot! I did a quick dash to get in the shot.

Thanks PaulaJ for arranging a lovely day out.  

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