
By Poppiej1

Fishy Tales!!

Unfortunately, I haven't been deep sea diving in some beautiful tropical Island. Whilst out and about at a favourite garden centre this afternoon I spotted this very handsome tropical fish in the aquarium. It is a Banggai Cardinal fish and these originate from Sulawesi a small Island in Indonesia. Very striking with its eye capturing black stripes.

We have had a lovely, energetic bank hol Monday. This morning I decided it was high time I tried a run again, my boys came with me and I was really pleased with how I did. I don't think I'll ever make it into the Olympics or anywhere near, hee, hee;) but it's good to feel I might be progressing a little. I've also been practising my cricket catching skills (I don't think I really do have this skill) this afternoon with the guys in my life!!! not sure I will ever, ever need this skill but we had fun and that's what counts:)

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